An evaluation of your progress where your wires may be changed to keep your treatment on track and moving forward.
A metal wire that is attached to your brackets to move your teeth.
Bands are metal rings that are sometimes placed on the back molars and are used to anchor other orthodontic appliances.
Brackets are the small metal or ceramic attachments that are placed on each tooth. They serve as guides to move the teeth and hold the archwire in place. The brackets used in orthodontics today bond directly to the teeth with a tooth-colored bonding adhesive. They are much smaller and lighter than ever.
The process of attaching brackets to your teeth using a special adhesive.
Buccal Tube
A small metal part that is welded on the outside of a molar band. The molar band contains slots to hold archwires, lip bumpers, headgear and other things your orthodontist uses to move your teeth.
Cephalometric X-Ray
An x-ray of the head from a profile position used to measure jaw and tooth relationships.
A colored elastic attachment placed on the brackets used to close space between the teeth.
The removal of cemented orthodontic brackets.
Elastics (Rubber Bands)
For elastics to be effective, they must be worn as close to 24 hours per day as possible.
The first step in making a model of your teeth. You bite into a tray filled with a bubble gum type material.The material sets quickly and the tray is removed from the mouth.
A device that is used to protect your mouth from injury when you are participating in sports. The use of a mouthguard is especially important for orthodontic patients to prevent injuries.
Orthodontic Records
Orthodontic records (xrays, photos, study models) are used to diagnose problems and determine treatment options.
Palatal Expander
An appliance that is attached to the upper back teeth used to widen the upper jaw. This appliance has a screw that is turned once or twice daily by the patient or parent. This appliance is typically left in the mouth for 3-6 months after the expansion is completed.
Panoramic X-Ray
An x-ray taken by a machine that rotates around your head to give your orthodontist a picture of your teeth, jaws and other important information.
An appliance that the orthodontist gives you to wear after your braces are removed. The retainer attaches to your upper and/or lower teeth and holds them in the correct position while the bone around your teeth adjusts to the new positions of the teeth. At first, you wear the retainer 24 hours a day, and then only at night.
An elastic ring that the orthodontist places between 2 teeth to create space for a band.
A clear wax used to prevent your braces from irritating your lips and cheeks while in braces.